So far from senile and always have a healthy brain, try creating a concoction of pegagang. According to the Organic Djamoe Kampoeng owned Martha Tilaar Group, a concoction of pegagang can help improve memory by giving the nutrients needed, tackling dementia, and improving blood circulation.
Centella asiatica or pegagang can be planted with stem cuttings or by merambatkan plants in the ground so that each segment will be cut out root and then plant. How to planting can be done in pots or home page with menggemburkan ground first, then mixed manure or organic compost fertilizer. Plant seeds planted and watered. After the age of 3 months, the plants can be harvested in a way removed and used for making tea or other herb. Make fertilization always with organic compost once every three months or after harvest.
The following recipe from Kampoeng Djamoe pegagang tea Organic:
Material: 1.5 g (1 teaspoon) of tea, you should use a clean green tea 2 g (1 tbsp) clean dry pegagang
How to manufacture: 1. Enter the ingredients into a glass. 2. Brewed with 1 cup (100 ml) hot water (like making tea), allow 10 minutes. 3. Strain and ready to drink. 4. Do 3 days.
Centella asiatica or pegagang can be planted with stem cuttings or by merambatkan plants in the ground so that each segment will be cut out root and then plant. How to planting can be done in pots or home page with menggemburkan ground first, then mixed manure or organic compost fertilizer. Plant seeds planted and watered. After the age of 3 months, the plants can be harvested in a way removed and used for making tea or other herb. Make fertilization always with organic compost once every three months or after harvest.
The following recipe from Kampoeng Djamoe pegagang tea Organic:
Material: 1.5 g (1 teaspoon) of tea, you should use a clean green tea 2 g (1 tbsp) clean dry pegagang
How to manufacture: 1. Enter the ingredients into a glass. 2. Brewed with 1 cup (100 ml) hot water (like making tea), allow 10 minutes. 3. Strain and ready to drink. 4. Do 3 days.