Hi! I'm Naomi Rawlings, wife, mother and aspiring writer. I have a four-year-old son and a one-year-old-son. I spend my days trying to sneak time to write, picking up, cleaning, playing, and mainly just enjoying my family. My husband pastors a small church in Michigan's rustic Upper Peninsula, so my family shares it's ten wooded acres with black bears, wolves, coyotes, deer, bald eagles, and even an occasional moose. We live three miles from the southern shore of Lake Superior. The scenery is beautiful, but we average 200 inches of snow per year, and even in July, Lake Superior is too cold to swim, though my boys like to try.
How would people describe your personality? (If they could only use ONE word.) Are they right?
Nice, at least that's how I'm most commonly described--but most people don't see me yelling at my four year old to pick up his toys or complaining about the endless laundry.
Who is your favorite blogger? Why?
Probably Gina Holmes and what she did with Novel Journey. It took her twelve years to get published. Wow! I don't know of anyone who deserved a book contract more than she did. And the interviews she posts are so helpful to new writers.
What is your comfort food/drink?
Living where I do, it depends on the season. Today, at 12 degrees outside, it's hot chocolate. In July, it would be ice cream.
Do you have a strong desire to do something you’ve never done? What is it?
Yeah, leave my kids with Grandma for a week and go to Jamaica (or some other island with white beaches and palm trees) with my husband.
Movies: Action, Drama, Romantic Comedy, Documentary, Comedy? What are your favorite genres?
Anything with romance.
Books: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, Biographies, True Stories, Self-Help, Devotional/Study? What are your favorite types of reading material?
Well, since I'm an aspiring novelist, I'd bet you'd never guess. Fiction, particularly inspirational romance.
If you inherited a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with your money?
Remember that trip to Jamaica? After my vacation, however, I'd do something smart with it like pay off our house, invest, etc. But Jamaica is first. Definitely.
Name one weakness of yours (confession is good for the soul).
Sugar, even if I'm trying to loose weight, I can't completely take it out of my diet. I have to sneak little snacks here and there.
If you could live anywhere at all (and take all your loved ones with you), where would you go?
Actually, I love where I live. I suppose I would trade our hills in for mountains and give us warmer summers, but I wouldn't move.
Strange Talent? Can you juggle basketballs, put your legs behind your head or perform some other strange feat?
I play the harp. I'm not sure it that's strange or just makes me a nerd.
What’s something you consider yourself to be good at? (Don’t worry, it’s not bragging, it’s acknowledging a God given gift).
Writing. I hope. Otherwise I'm wasting a lot of time.
What is one of your favorite things to catch a whiff of?
Flavored Coffee--the gourmet kind, not the cheap stuff in our cupboard.
When you leave a social gathering, do you wish: You would have talked more or You would have talked less?
Both. If I say a lot, I usually regret it, and if I keep my mouth shut, I usually thing of a gazillion brilliant, witty things to say after I leave.
What is your greatest fear or strange phobia?
My husband suddenly dying.
What is your greatest accomplishment?
I look at my family, and hope it will be raising my children to love God and honor Him with their lives. Whether I achieve that or not, only time will tell.
What are your favorite animals?
Our Irish Setter, Callie
Are you a hopeless romantic?
Oh yeah. For my first Mother's Day, my husband bought me a twenty dollar charcoal grill. I cried and told him to take it back. I said I'd rather have nothing than a grill. A grill! Did I mention it was my first Mother's Day ever?
What movie or book character can you most relate to?
Elizabeth Bennett from Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice. I'm a little too witty for my own good and place a little too much importance on first impressions.