
Monday, May 30, 2011

First Ever Challenge Week!

by Melissa Jagears

All right readers, today we are hosting our first ever Making Home Work Challenge Week! Every fifth Monday, one of our blog contributors is going to challenge you to get something done this week that you've been putting off, if you accept the challenge and complete it within the week, you'll be in the drawing to be the MHW Challenge Week Winner.
What does that mean? Look in our sidebar--You get your very own advertisement spot on Making Home Work that will remain there until the next challenge week.

We'll allow three items in our blog ad spot:
If you have a blog, a website, an etsy page, etc. We'll set you up with a link from here to there to encourage some traffic! We know we'll be checking out your page. You can have two links. And if you make or sell products, a small picture of your typical inventory can be included in your ad.

What if you don't have a website or any of that stuff? Well, we think it would be a grand idea if you either chose a charity and/or a website for someone you know that is a stay-at-home working mom. Give them your traffic!

OK, So on to the Challenge Week Rules:

1. You have to comment on the Challenge Post (this post) either on Monday or Tuesday. You will write in the comment what you are challenging yourself to do--be it to clean a closet, write 3,000 words, finish a quilt, make the call to the insurance company that you've been putting off, fixing your website, etc.

2. On Friday (or before) come back and post that you finished what you set out to do and LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS (put it in a form that a spam robot won't find, like: you AT gmail DOT com.) The combination of the two comments will enter you into the drawing.

3. Then on Saturday, the Challenge hostess will randomly choose a winner from those who posted, accepted, and accomplished their self-set challenge of the week. She'll use the email address in the comment to get the information to put in the ad. No email=Not eligible.

Let the Challenge Begin!

My challenge to myself: I will put away the HUGE stack of bills and paperwork atop my filing cabinet that has accumulated for the last 6 months since my son was born.

What are you going to challenge yourself to do this week? Make sure you comment before Wednesday and leave your email.

*Making Home Work Blog contributors may join in the fun and challenge themselves, but they are not eligible to win.
*Making Home Work reserves the right not to link to non-family-friendly sites.