
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spinach juice Overcome Peptic

Popeye's favorite vegetable, cartoon character is indeed good sailor disayur nodes. In addition to eliminating sluggish, spinach juice made useful to overcome various kinds of digestive disease, one of which peptic ulcers.

Spinach, vegetable plants known by the scientific name Amaranthus spp (in Greek, means eternal Amaranth) was originally known as an ornamental plant. However, once known to contain various nutrients, this plant is then promoted as a food source as well.

Plants of the Amaranthaceae family has about 60 genera that are divided into approximately 800 species of spinach. However, of the many types of it, divided into two kinds of spinach, wild spinach and spinach that is cultivation.

There are two types of wild spinach, namely land spinach (A. blitum L.) and spiny amaranth (A. spinosus L.). The main characteristic of wild spinach are colored red stalks and leaves are stiff (Java: coarse).

Type spinach cultivation can be divided into two kinds, namely pull spinach, spinach sekul, white or spinach (A. tricolor L.) and spinach or spinach-year snapper. The characteristics of spinach pull is to have colored stems reddish or whitish green, and flowers out of the axillary branches. Spinach pull the red stalks called red spinach, while the stem is white and white is called spinach. Spinach or spinach-year snapper (A. hybridus L.), broadleaf characteristics. Spinach is divided into two kinds of species, namely A. hybridus and A. caudatus L. hibridus paniculatus L.

A. Characteristics hybridus L. caudatus leafy rather long with pointed tip, reddish-green or dark red, the flowers are arranged in a long series collected at the end of the rod. A. hibridus paniculatus L. has a very broad base of leaves, green, long wreaths arranged regularly and in large axillary panicles.

King of Vegetables

Nutrient content of spinach so much. According to Drs. Seno Sastroamidjojo, in 100 grams of spinach contained 21.0 Kcal, 92.9 grams water, 2.1 grams protein, 0.2 grams fat, 2.7 g carbohydrates, 0.7 g fiber, 1.4 g ash , 90.0 mg calcium, phosphorus 29.0 mg, iron 3.8 mg, sodium 131.0 mg, potassium 385.0 mg, 4080.0 mcg beta-carotene, 0.08 mg vitamin B1, vitamin B2 0.15 mg , niacin 0.7 mg, and vitamin C 76.7 mg. Because of this high nutritional content, spinach is often referred to as the 'King of vegetables' or 'King of Vegetables'.

The content of folic acid and oxalic acid to make spinach can be used to help solve various problems. For example, lower cholesterol, prevent gum disease, treat eczema, asthma, skin care for face, scalp, and hair. The most famous is treating passionate feeling lethargic and less as a sign of lack of blood.

Moreover, the higher the fiber considerable influence why spinach is very good for our digestion. Thus, diseases such as constipation, heart disease, stroke, and problems concerning blood pressure and blood vessels can be overcome. However, in addition to its benefits, spinach still have limitations. The weakness lies in spinach during the processing process. We should not cook spinach with an aluminum pan. Aluminum can react with lead poisoning due to iron contained in spinach.

More than that, we also should not eat spinach if the vegetable is past than five hours after cooking. And like other vegetables, spinach is also not good if cooked too long on the fire because it causes a lot of wasted nutrients.

And the most important thing to note is that those who suffer from gout and rheumatism. They should not be mengasup vegetables of this type because it can cause intense pain and excessive uric acid relapse. This occurs because the purine content of substances in spinach is very high. Purine is then converted into uric acid in the body.

Various Potions Spinach

In addition to vegetable made clear, we can use for medicinal uses spinach. Here are some spinach herb taken from various sources, one of Indonesia's Atlas of Plant Medicine Part 2.

Constipation, Sore Gums, Peptic Ingredients: - a bunch of spinach - a spoonful of honey


How I Clean spinach and cut its roots first. Enter in the juicer. After that drink the juice of half a liter a day. Do it for a few days

How II After being washed and cut, minced spinach until smooth. Add a half cup of boiled water and one tablespoon of honey. After it is squeezed and filtered. Drink three times a day, each time half a cup.

Skin Care Home, Head, and Hair

Ingredients: - a handful of turmeric - a bunch of spinach leaves


How I Spinach cleaned, a new blend. After that squeeze and take the water. Take turmeric after cleaning. Cut into small pieces and put into blender. Add water as needed. Squeeze the juice of turmeric and leave the water. Mix the turmeric and spinach juice. Add a little warm water. Use to wash your face or shampoo. II How to Enter a bunch of spinach that had been cleaned to the jucier. Use spinach juice to scrub all parts of your face around the corners of the eyes, forehead, lips and chin. Do this treatment for five minutes when I wake in the morning and at night before bed. If necessary rinse with cold water.

Bronchitis, anemia, fever, Whitish, Lever Disorders

Materials - a bunch of spinach - a spoonful of honey

Directions: Enter the spinach in a blender with a little boiled water added. Squeeze the spinach and add honey blenderan into it. Drink once a day, one glass.

Stung by a bee, caterpillar Feather, Centipede

Ingredients: - a handful of spinach

How to Make a paste of spinach and crushed body parts that hurt or itch. Can also equipped with a spinach juice and drink one cup once a day.