Acne neonatorum occurs in about 40% of newborns and is caused by the
deposition of fat in the skin of children Why this clinging to the
These hormones have been transported to the newborn through the
placenta to cause the stimulation of excess production of sebaceous
glands that cause acne.
This acne is severe or painful, are not infectious nor itchy.
Ralacción not have the nutrition of the mother, although you can often
appear to understand that the maternal serum.
In the course of weeks (14 to 21 days approximately), acne in newborns
is cleared by itself, if it has traces of acne. It is advisable not to
apply any product on the skin of the actant, nor do misma.Es rubs in
very important not to squeeze the pimples as it may cause marks.
enough to keep your skin clean, in order to avoid any infection.
Acne Keloid
Keloid acne, also known as acne of the neck, is a chronic disease
afflicting men africana.Lamentablemente origin affects the quality of
life of people who suffer because of their appearance so unkind.
disease In many cases this is caused by extremely short haircuts,
physical or emotional stress, use of helmets, rub with shirt collars
or clothes. Several elements induce disease, including thick curly
hair, short thick neck.
Tropical Acne
Disease Such is the result of tropical climates, as is shown by the
moisture producing sweat on the skin, the excessive exposure to sun
and heat.
Tropical acne usually presents with a rash and pimples. This also can
cause itching emfermedad of infection if the problem persists over
Contact Acne
It is produced by exposing the skin on a voluntary or involuntary to
products which assist the formation of pimples.
There are cases where certain industrial workers who have contact with
chlorinated hydrocarbons, resins or petroleum oils.
Moreover, the use of detergents, soaps and hair coloring products,
shoes or clothes.
There are also products such as creams, makeup and even sunscreens
that can cause this disease.
Iatrogenic Acne
this disease is presented by the use of certain products or substances
used without the knowledge of an expert.
Iatrogenic acne symptoms are not very different from others, can cause
pimples, cysts, pimples and even can be mistaken for common acne.
There are substances or medications that may cause the occurrence of
iatrogenic acne, many of them are present in testosterone, steroids,
anabolic and androgenic.
These preparations are consumed by athletes, with no control of a professional.
Acne Rosacea
This type of acne is characterized by the presence of pink spots on
the central area of the face and may even turn into pimples and boils.
This disease appears repeatedly in people under 30, regardless of sex
they have trouble nervous, digestive, also in people with alcoholism.
It is not easy to cure acne rosacea altogether, but is possible to
reduce it significantly.