
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Can We Cure Acne? Will Their Acne Cure Work For You?

Acne is a skin disorder that can span from mild forms to severe cases
which can scar the sufferer for life. Although commonly connected with
teenagers, acne can afflict any person at any age, from infants to
mature adults. Milliions of people throughout the world suffer from
acne and there is constant research trying to discover the best acne

If you like me have ever suffered from acne, you will grasp just how
awful it can make you view yourself. A lot of acne sufferers report
not only the physical discomfort, but feelings of self loathing and
lack of confidence. If this is not checked, then depression can set in
and cause even more problems far beyond the acne.

So what has all this investigation into how to cure acne come up with so far?

Unfortunately despite the claims of some product manufacturers there
is no known acne cure that can utterly cure acne. Nevertheless, there
are a mass of good products on the market that are useful acne
remedies and can help decrease the symptoms and damage done by acne.
The best cure for each individual will depend on the seriousness of
the acne condition as well as the skin type of the acne victim.

In the milder cases of acne it is fine to use none prescription acne
remedies such as spot creams or skin cleaners. Most of the products
you will find in your local stores are intended to unclog the skin
releasing both your black and whiteheads. Alternative none
prescription acne remedies you can use will in fact expose fresh skin
by removing the top lear of old and dead skin.

Where these acne cures are beneficial for the milder cases of acne, if
you suffer from severe acne then you will need to ask for professional
help from your general practitioner. Commonly doctors will prescribe
some form of antibiotic as an acne cure. These work by attacking the
acne at it's cause, which is the acne bacteria which effects the skins
pores. These antibiotics can be a highly powerful acne cure, but you
should appreciate that they don't always work and some do have side
effects, which should be taken into account, particularly if you are
using these as an acne cure over a long period of time.

There are two types of antibiotics you may well be offered. The first
is one that you actually use to treat the area which is infected with
acne and the second is one that you take orally. You should be more
careful when using an oral antibiotic as an acne cure as these could
effect the whole body, not just the acne effected area. Some of the
most common side effects with oral acne antibiotics are nausea and
dizziness. If you do suffer either of these than it is important to
consult with your doctor who may perhaps change your acne

There is an alternative to all these manufactured products, if you
desire an more natural acne cure. Normally this will come in some form
of vitamin A derivative which can be applied to the acne infected
area. This will cause the top lear of skin to shed thus not letting
the cells clump. Unfortunately, even this natural approach carries
with it possible side effects like irritation of the skin, dryness or

Although at this point there is no single proven acne cure, there are
many choices available to anybody who is suffering from acne. Which
path you take to get an acne cure that works for you is totally your
choice. There are always new products coming on the shelves claiming
to cure acne, so hopefully one day one of them will really prove to be
an effect acne cure for all of us.