Thursday, June 9, 2011
Indonesian Herbal Plants
If we talk of herbal medicine then our minds must have drifted into traditional medicine, herbal medicine carry, shop that provides packaging herbs for migraine headaches or colds. No one was because the herbs are in the category of traditional medicine.In other Asian countries, especially China, Korea and India for the rural population, herbal medicine into the first choice for treatment, even in developed countries today, especially the tendency to switch traditional herbal kepengobatan showed significant symptom improvement.From the results of the 2007 SUSENAS shows in Indonesia itself suffered pains of Indonesia's population amounted to 28.15% and of that number was 65.01% of them chose self-medication using drugs and 38.30%, others choose to use traditional medicine, so that Indonesia's population of 220 million people are assumed then who choose to use traditional medicine of approximately 23.7 million people, a very large number.Traditional medicine itself according to Law No. 36/2009 on Health cover material or ingredients of plant material, animal material, mineral materials, supplies Sarian [galenik] or mixtures of these materials which have traditionally used for treatment. In accordance with article 100 paragraph (1) and (2), the source of traditional medicines that have been proven efficacious and safe in use will remain preserved and guaranteed by the Government for the development and maintenance of their raw materials.Indonesia itself is located in the area has a unique tropical and biological wealth is extraordinary, carrying no less than 30,000 species of medicinal plants that grow in Indonesia, although that has been recorded as product Fitofarmaka [may be prescribed] there are 5 new products and new standardized herbal medicinal product is 28 products. Seen the potential that still has not been explored is still very large in the development of herbal medicines, especially herbal products that are native to Indonesia.Year 2007 has been announced by the government that are Brand Indonesian Jamu, although in reality is still considered the lowest strata in the treatment because it has not been tested scientifically.World Medical Indonesia itself is slowly starting to open up to receive herbal sabagai options for treatment, not merely as an alternative treatment only, is proven by the establishment of several organizations such as the Agency for Assessment of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Doctors Association of Indonesia on IDI XXVII Congress in 2009, the Union of Medical Herbal Doctor Indonesia [PDHMI], Association of Physicians of East Health Development [PDPKT] and several other similar organizations.This is all described the medical world although still wide open but the perpetrators, namely the doctors began to see great potential and it can be developed in herbal medicine-based treatment, not only to deal with mild disease but also to cope with severe disease.Dependence on conventional medicine medical community is expected to be definitively replaced by the inclusion of herbal medicines, currently turns out 95% of the raw materials are still in the import of conventional medicine, how much foreign exchange can be saved if this transition go smoothly.Entering the year 2010, the Agency for Health Research and Development spearheaded an effort that is very commendable and worthy of full support is to create a model of "Health House" or "Clinical Medicine", this model will apply the use of herbs as drugs given to a doctor for his patients, a breakthrough which is supported by government policy and will be tested in the area of Central Java in early 2010. Central Java may also be chosen with consideration at this time many herbs in small companies to large, located in Central Java and Java people drink herbal habit long ago.Working with GP Jamu [Association of Herbal Medicine] as a provider of herbal medicines needs, Home Health will be led by the Doctor in charge and that was exciting enough doctors who are interested in and registered to study and explore herbal medicine.It still needs a lot of preparation, both mentally from the doctors who give patients drugs and change the perception that herbal medicine or "herbal drink" is outdated, we should be able to accept the fact that times have changed, follow the example of China who courageously give choice to patients to use treatment with conventional or traditional medicine.It is time also for companies that care about the herb's efficacy and quality to begin menerapka standards such as GMP, ISO, HACCP for CPOTB until the public confidence on the quality products can be obtained.Support from all sides, both the perpetrators of farmers who are expected to provide the processed herbs with high quality, the involvement of the universities and the private residence to conduct trials of herbal drug efficacy, convenience and full support of government regulation in this case the Ministry of Health and BPOM will make Indonesia become one of the leading countries that produce high quality Herbal Medicine and Traditional Medicine, especially making Herbal is not just a mere Alternative Medicine.Greetings from lovers of Indonesian Medicinal Plants