
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Recommended Anti-Aging Treatments for Your Skin

Anti-aging treatments has come such a long way since the advancement
in technology, a lot of new products have flooded the market offering
optimal skincare and health remedies. As your biological clock
continues to tick so does your distress and anxiety with the way you
look and feel becomes apparent. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways
to hold on to that youthful appearance by taking special diets, using
anti-aging products, and anti-aging treatments.

The abuse and improper use of anti-aging treatments and products,
minerals, vitamins, anti-inflammatory, phytonutrients, and
antioxidants are the leading cause of cellular degeneration that leads
to rapid aging and diseases, which includes cancer. However, through
technological advancement anti-aging treatments like Thermage, NuFace,
Sculptra/Newhill, skin peel, laser, and new anti-aging products are
now readily available and accessible to anyone.

Collagen Drinks: Collagen is made and can be found in your skin, which
is the essential structure that supports your skin that keeps your
face toned and plump. This treatment is very popular abroad,
especially in Japan. It helps to prevent or reduce the aging process
by injecting your skin with collagen, likewise it can be utilize also
for wrinkles and lips to make it plump.

Vitamin C Serums: This treatment protect and defends the skin by
preventing and thwarting free radical infiltration and damage which
makes skin cells healthy and improve cellular regeneration.

Thread Lift: A new anti-aging treatment that tightened and toned the
skin by inserting and pulling threads under your skin. It targets
wrinkles, the jowl, and facial sagging. It is much more efficient
compared to face lifts or plastic/facial surgery and only a small
incision is needed which is done by a doctor.

Lasers Surgery/Treatments: Lasers is used to be a popular treatment,
which over the years, come such a long way. Laser surgery or treatment
resurfaces the skin, plumping up the skin, and remove
hyper-pigmentation and wrinkles. The treatment process is expensive
and time-consuming.

Light Therapy/Treatments: Uses lights (blue, red, and clear) that
plump up and activates collagen in your skin to combat the aging
process. It is very beneficial and advantageous if you have acne and
it can be performed by a doctor/dermatologist.

Exercise and Nutrient rich Diet: The classic and essential anti-aging
treatment that really works. By combining a good exercise routine and
eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fats, nuts, legumes,
and fiber-rich food proves to be very beneficial and advantageous,
which slowly prevents or reduces the aging process.