
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Safe Methods For Skin Tag Removal

A skin tag is also known as a skin polyp. They are a harmless surface
abnormality that looks like a small dangling bit of flesh. On rare
occasion they can be associated with such diseases as poly cystic
ovaries. Their appearance is considered unattractive by most
standards. This is why folks will try to get rid of them bu looking
for skin tag removal methods.

Animals can also get polyps, but it is humans that get them more
frequently. They are overweight or sometimes pregnant. Other cases are
associated with disorders of the metabolism, like diabetes. In a few
cases heredity is the cause. However, sometimes the cause can be
unknown. Roughly half of the entire world population gets them with
men and women divided equally.

Compared to warts, polyps can be removed easily. There is also less
risk of them returning afterward. On the other hand, warts are
difficult to remove and will return should any portion of the seed be
left behind. Furthermore, warts are spread by a virus, but there is no
indication showing that polyps can transmit to another person. They
will often be unnoticeable until something irritates them like

There are dozens of home remedy and ancient ways to rid the body of
them. One older method is to use string or thread and tie them at the
bottom. Eventually they will fall off by themselves because the blood
supply is gone. They simply shrivel up and die. This technique can
even be performed on animals and children successfully. A few people
say dental floss is successful. However, there are some more ways to
remove them if the person has the strength to do them.

A sharp pair of scissors can remove a tag. Using anesthetics depends
on how large they are. Small ones do not usually have sensation. On
the other hand, the larger ones can develop sensation. Therefore, it
is best to let someone else do the cutting depending on the location.

Another great method is to chill them off using nitrogen. This way is
similar for removing warts. The cold Nitrogen causes the polyp to
naturally shrivel up and die. Just be sure to keep it way from the
surrounding area Furthermore, this method will not be reliable in all
cases. It has some drawbacks. For instance, on occasion there could be
a temporary color change at the site. Alternatively, the polyp may
even return.

Other methods involve natural products. These are typically found on
the Internet. They are both safe, effective to use, and have been
developed by doctors. They are easy to use and simple to order. Just
fill in the form and have the product shipped directly to the

One word of caution, anytime polyps are located around the eyelids,
the ears, the nose, or the mouth, always involve a doctor. They will
have the tools and the experience to remove the problem safely.