papilloma virus. This virus is better known as HPV. Warts removal is
desired by anyone with one of these unsightly growths. They can also
be uncomfortable. The most common type are known as plantar warts.
Plantar warts are most often found on the bottoms of the feet or on
the hands. Hands and feet are the most likely to be exposed to the
virus. The virus thrives in areas of warmth and wetness. Common places
to pick up the condition are in a shower area and from a pool deck.
Those who frequent these places will have the best chance to end up
with a plantar wart.
It is easy for someone to tell they have a wart. The bump forms to the
point in can be felt. It might also be uncomfortable when the person
is walking. It appears brown or gray in color. The skin becomes darker
than the surrounding area. A picture of this condition can be found on
the internet.
A dermatologist is trained at removing skin growths. A dermatologist
is physician who can take care of skin conditions. They can be located
through an internet search for a particular area. The procedures that
will be used depend on where the growth is and its size.
A dermatologist may choose to surgically remove the growth. The area
will numbed with local anesthesia before the procedure. A doctor is
trained to make the proper amount of cuts. A person should not try to
cut out their own warts. A doctor will be aware of the need to prevent
infection. They also have unique tools for the job.
Another way to eradicate the growth is by freezing it. This is done
with liquid nitrogen. This technique has been conducted in the offices
of doctors for decades. Freezing kills the skin where it touches.
Often the area will swell up almost like a blister before it dries up
and falls off. This technique is no longer just available to a medical
Products can now be purchased to attempt freezing the growth at home.
The treatments may take repeating for a few weeks. Freezing is usually
complete after one visit to the dermatologist. Treating at home is
appealing because it usually costs less than a visit to the doctor.
Medications for the removal of these outgrowths have existed for
decades in the form of drops. These drops can be purchased at a store
without a prescription. It may take the medicine several days or weeks
to work. It is not always effective. Some people choose to place duct
tape over the wart in order to try and kill it. This method is of
questionable value.
Warts removal is desired by someone who is infected. Options for
getting rid of them have increased over the years. The main goal is to
have them removed. Removal can prevent them spreading to other areas
of the body and to other people.