Acne outbreaks can happen during times of stress, and especially at
times in your life when your hormones are changing. Many teenagers who
have oily skin get pimples that turn into scars that remain for the
rest of their lives. The face gets covered with large pimples that may
hurt and the teenager will squeeze it and make matters worse. When you
squeeze it, the scar will remain and this is why it is helpful to to
look into acne scar skin care treatments later on for better looking
These treatments depend on the type of acne you have. When you have
scars that have been left behind by pimples, this can be difficult to
deal with. No one wants to deal with scars for the rest of their life.
We would like to help you out and tell you some of the treatment
methods you can use in order to get rid of those annoying scars. Let's
look below to learn more about the treatments that are available.
Acne Creams - There are thousands of creams that are available in the
market that claim to cure acne and pimple in no time. Some of them
will work, while others do not. You should remember that everyone's
skin is different.
You should read about the different creams before you try them. If you
are interested in a particular product, then do your research, read
reviews and see how it worked for others. If the acne is too much, you
should consult your dermatologist and go from there.
Exfoliation - This is the method in which you remove dead skin and new
skin replaces itself on the face. The best way to do it, when you have
less acne, is to take a clean wet cloth and rub it on your skin in
circular movements.
This will rub the dead skin off and new skin will take its place and
it will help the acne. You could also get the exfoliating creams or
products and use them. Do not rub very hard on the face as that may
cause the pimple to get worse. With exfoliating treatment, the scars
will be reduced.
Chemical peels - These are products for excess acne on the face. It is
advisable that you refer to a dermatologist for good results. The
doctor will use chemical peels that have acid in them and this reduces
the scars on your face. You get chemical peels for home use as well
but those can be less effective. This treatment is required if you are
have permanent scars.
Dermabrasion - The name of the treatment tells you what it is. This
treatment reduces scars by removing the upper layer of your skin with
the help of certain instruments like wire brushes, fast rotating
wheels that have diamond dust on it. Don't worry, because the skin is
numbed before working with these instruments.