
Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Guide To Skin Tags Removal

As a sufferer from unsightly skin tags I know how self conscious they
can make you. Not only they are unsightly they can get irritated and
become painful at times. There are many remedies for these little
nuisance. Skin tags removal can be done at home or by a physician.

Caused by a friction of the skin, skin tags otherwise known as
acrochordons, are in no way contagious. They are found commonly in the
area of the underarms or neck, although it may be common to find them
in the groin area or inner thighs as well. Women will often find them
in the bra line area as this is an area that is rubbed by the fabric
of the bra. These are nothing more than a piece of skin that through
friction raises up off the normal surface of the skin. Skin tags are
not cancerous and will generally not biopsied. If left untreated they
will often fall off over time. If they are becoming more bothersome
you may choose to have them removed by a doctor or try one of the many
home removal methods.

Just about anyone can suffer from skin tag appearance. More often they
are found in people of middle age and progressively become more common
when one is approaching sixty and over. Obesity is another factor that
is common in skin tag sufferers. Not commonly found in young children,
they can have occurrence of them in the neck and armpit area if they
do appear.

The cost of having them removed by a doctor can get rather expensive
especially if it is not covered by insurance, which is often the case
as it is a cosmetic condition. Freezing the skin tag is a common
practice in a physicians office which will include having the area
numbed by a local anesthetic. Once frozen a scalpel is used to cut the
tag off. If you have any discomfort about needles that will be the
most difficult part of the procedure.

Another medical treatment done in a physicians office is electric
cautery. This is not a painful treatment but can render itself not
effective the first time around. Can require multiple treatments to be
thoroughly effective. As with freezing the side effect is often a
temporary discoloration of the effected area. Occasional scarring may
occur as well.

There are other less invasive remedies that can be done at home. One
of these options is cutting the skin tag with scissors. Obviously it
is advisable to make sure you sterilize the scissors first, but can be
easily done by this method.

Using a piece of sewing thread or dental floss to tie around the base
of the tag can give you just as effective results as the previously
mentioned methods and is for obvious reasons the least costly method
there is. This is done by simply tying the floss at the base of the
tag itself and leaving there for a couple of days until the tag falls
off. You can also tie the floss around it and then use the scissor

Another available treatment option that can be done at home without a
prescription is a topical ointment. Similar to wart remover these
remedies are applied directly to the sight and may take a few
treatments to see results. These will vary in price but are an
affordable option that may be used easily. Having skin tags poses no
medical threat. With that said many people will choose to remove them
for the cosmetic outcome. Choose a method that is affordable and you
are comfortable using.