
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Understanding The Steps Of Hypothyroidism Treatment

Finding out you have a condition or disease is always frightening.
What follows is a series of blood tests, regular examinations, and
then a diagnosis. If you discover that you have a problem with your
thyroid, you will more than likely undergo a form of hypothyroidism
treatment. This doesn't mean you will simply take medication and
you're done. There is a lot more at risk, and you should know your
options of various remedies.

Sometimes a problem with the thyroid can be found when you are born.
Sometimes it's not discovered until you're an adult. A malfunctioning
thyroid is classified by its inability to produce the hormone
Thyroxine. A doctor will usually prescribe Synthroid or Levothyroxine
to begin healing your thyroid. The use of these man-made hormones is
to jump start your thyroid again. Often it's prescribed depending how
damaged the gland is.

Synthroid is considered a synthetic hormone. And, if the gland has a
chance of becoming worse, you may be put on a combination therapy of
natural and synthetic hormone. This usually lasts for three weeks but
it can extend to four months or more. If the thyroid condition has
become severe, surgery is another alternative. Surgically removing the
gland is what a doctor may do. This is typically done only if there is
no hope in saving the gland.

However, if your doctor finds your thyroid isn't too far gone, you can
usually begin less harsh treatment. These remedies can be all-natural
and have an improving effect on your overall health. Spirulina is a
bacterium that is human consumable. You can usually find it in a
tablet or powder form. Regularly taking this bacterium regulates the
Thyroxine production levels in your thyroid.

An herb called Bladder wrack is another alternative. This remedy is a
form of brown seaweed which is harvested from various oceans. Bladder
wrack contains concentrated levels of iodine and has been proven to
reduce the size of the thyroid gland. In some cases, when taken
regularly, it's also been known to restore the gland's normal
functions. In addition to thyroid healing, it also boosts your energy

Certain essential oils that you can incorporate into your diet are
helpful for thyroid gland production. Extra Virgin Coconut oil can be
taken with food, cooked into food and taken alone with a spoon. It
usually tastes better when mixed with food. Evening Primrose oil is
usually found in pill form. And, it's taken in small amounts every

Starting your body on a thyroid diet is a good way to keep your
thyroid healthy. However, if you have a mild case of thyroid disease,
the diet is still an option to help prolong the use of the gland. Low
fat protein, seafood, and non-starchy vegetables and fruits make up
this healthy diet. The herbs and oils can be used in addition to this
diet to guarantee your thyroid is receiving the proper nutrition.

There are many options when it comes to choosing a good hypothyroidism
treatment. You don't necessarily have to be strictly on synthetic
medications. However, it is wise to always follow doctor's advice and
never self diagnose. You may not be aware that your condition is worse
than it should be. Your doctor can advise you if you require stronger
treatments or surgery.