Diabetes mellitus has become a rapidly growing pandemic. The disease is estimated to cause four million deaths per year, almost equal to deaths from HIV / AIDS. Data for 2000 indicate diabetes mellitus affects 8.4 million people and will increase to 21.3 million in 2030.
Most people with diabetes (diabetes) diagnosed in the advanced state. In fact, according to Dr. Budiman Darmowidjojo, SpPD, the situation has been further complications in the kidneys, eyes, blood vessels, or nerves. "The danger of this disease is not just high blood sugar, but its complications," he explained.
If diabetes can be diagnosed early, the opportunity to control blood sugar would be better so that complications can be avoided. Detection of diabetes, the main, indeed the results of blood sugar. Blood sugar levels by examination after fasting over 126 and blood sugar checks at any time above 200 is called diabetes.
In addition to laboratory tests, according to Dr. Budiman, there are three classic symptoms of diabetes which is also called 3P, namely:
1. Polyuria or frequent urination with a lot of volume, especially at night. Why is that? If blood sugar levels exceed the renal threshold value or more than 180 mg / dl, then the sugar will come out with urine. To keep the urine comes out, that contain sugar, it is not too thick, the body will draw as much water as possible into the urine so the urine volume that came out a lot and urinating became frequent. It will very often so that at night can disrupt sleep.
2. Polidipsi or often feel thirsty and want to drink as much as possible. With so much urine comes out, the body will lack of water or dehydration. To overcome this, there arose a feeling of thirst so that people always want to drink and want a cool, sweet, fresh, and more. Sweet drinks will be very harmful because it makes the higher sugar content.
3. Polifagi or increased appetite and less energy. In diabetes, because insulin problems, inclusion of sugar into the body's cells so that less energy is even less established. That is why people become limp. Thus, the brain also thinks that less energy was due to lack of food. Therefore, the body tries to increase food intake by causing feelings of hunger so timbulah always wanted to eat.