Many cancer patients believe in the benefits of fruit and soursop leaves as an alternative to treat cancer. In fact, some sources say soursop leaves are like chemotherapy and has the ability to kill cells that grow abnormally, and let the cells grow normally.
However, how the actual opinion of the medical community? According to Prof.. DR. dr. Soehartati G., Sp.Rad (K) Onk.Ra, Head of the Department of Radiotherapy, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), soursop is a fruit that mengadung antioxidants, vitamin C and higher. However Soehartati said, so far no scientific research evidence is strong enough about the benefits of soursop leaf efficacy as a cancer drug.
"So to give a conclusion, whether a drug is beneficial or not, it takes a long research, may one day be proven. But for now, we do not know," he said, when found in a book discussion program "Peace with Cancer", Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital on Wednesday, yesterday.
Meanwhile, Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, MSc, SpGK, Clinical Nutrition Specialist RSCM, expressed a similar opinion. In general, said Fiastuti, fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that are high indeed. "But remember. Antioxidants prevent high that, rather than to treat. Beda prevent and treat," he said.
Fiastuti claimed to have heard the information that the efficacy of soursop leaves which according to many powerful to kill cancer cells. However, according Fiastuti further research is needed to make sure.
"Soursop leaves are said to contain a certain substance which he said could be killing the cancer cells. But frankly, we in medicine if it wants recommends someone, we should do a lot of research. Starting from research animals, human, short, new length can, "he concluded.